Prechtl's Method of the Qualitative Assessment of General Movements
Who should attend?
- Medical Specialists
- Neonatologists
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Registered Nurses
- Other professionals in the field of infant neurology
- Participation in the Advanced Course is possible only for individuals who successfully passed a Basic Training Course held under the auspices of the GM-Trust.
The course fulfils the standards specified by the GM-Trust.
Course instructors
- A/Prof. Andrea Guzzetta, MD, PhD
- Prof. Alicia Spittle, PhD
Registration & Payment Limited number of places available - registration fee includes refreshments and lunch: (Actual location of the trainings will be available closer to training dates) Location Dates Course Registration exc GST: Non-Qld Clinician Registration exc GST: Qld Clinicians** Townsville Tue 25 Feb 2020 One-day Refresher $550 $275 Townsville Wed 26 - Sat 29 Feb 2020 Basic $1,650 $825 Brisbane Sun 1 - Wed 4 Mar 2020 Basic $1,650 $825 Brisbane Sun 1 - Wed 4 Mar 2020 Advanced $1,650 $825 **Price for QLD clinicians has been discounted as a reduced fee scholarship due to major funding from the QLD State Government (Advance QLD Innovation Partnership for early detection of CP). Please contact for furher information on application for GM Reduced-fee Scholarship.