PhD Projects & Scholarships

PhD scholarships for allied health practitioners

Queensland Cerebral Palsy Research and Rehabilitation Centre is a leading international translational research centre, assisting children with cerebral palsy and their families.

A number of  PhD scholarships are available for allied health graduates, including:  occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech pathology, psychology, nutrition and dietetics graduates.

    Our current scholarships include:

    CP-KASP (Cerebral Palsy Knowledge, Advocacy Skills and Support Program): Co-designed with families to optimise evidence-based support through the NDIS.
    • 4 PhD programs in Cerebral Palsy Knowledge, Advocacy Skills and Support Program
    School Readiness outcomes of early neuroprotection/ neurorehabilitation for children at high risk of Cerebral Palsy (MRFF)
    • 4 PhD Programs in Psychology, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology
    LEAP-CP: Learning through Everyday Activities with Parents study (NHMRC): Peer delivered early detection and intervention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants at high risk of cerebral palsy and adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes in Australia (Queensland and Northern Territory).  
    • 1 PhD scholarship available in the LEAP Indigenous Early Support program
    ACTIVE STRIDES (NHMRC): Intensive rehabilitation for children with cerebral palsy to improve gross motor function, habitual physical activity and participation in physically active leisure
    • 1 PhD scholarship available in the Active Strides RCT program


    Please email for more information about the projects and scholarships available.


    Scholarships available

    We have a number of scholarships available in a number of projects we are running. 


    Potential Scholarships


    Participate in our reseach

    Are you keen to volunteer in our research to help us improve outcomes for children with cerebral palsy?

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