All welcome! Please email and indicate that you would like to attend in person at Children's Health Centre for Research.
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We welcome early detection implementation questions and any HINE administration and scoring questions you might have. It's best if you could send these in advance to
QEDIN-CP Co-ordinator: Dr Morgan Carlton
T: 3069 7371
About QEDIN Network Meeting
The QEDIN network is pleased to be present an update from two of our PhD scholars on topical areas.
Rebecca Caesar MPhty (Paediatrics) UQ PhD scholar will present her PhD entitled:
This study aimed to identify early clinical biomarkers from birth to 16 weeks corrected age to predict typical outcome and mild motor and cognitive delays at 24 months corrected age in very preterm and very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. As early delays are difficult to differentiate from typical development, impacted infants often miss out on crucial intervention during the critical period of brain neuroplasticity experienced in the first days and months following birth. As risk for adverse neurodevelopmental outcome is higher in the very preterm and VLBW population, clinicians require robust biomarkers they can rely on to prioritise follow up services, prevent overservicing and inform referral pathways to early intervention. For infants born very preterm or VLBW, there are very few assessment tools available from birth to 6 months corrected age with proven predictive accuracy for cognitive and motor delay at 24 months corrected age. Findings from both the systematic review and our prospective cohort study indicate that only the GMA has sufficient predictive validity to act as a biomarker for both conditions; typical outcome and developmental delay (motor or cognitive). GMA trajectories that assess writhing at 4-5 weeks CA and quality of fidgety movement at 16 weeks CA have potential to facilitate early detection of motor and cognitive deficits and differentiate risk for developmental delay from typical outcomes and cerebral palsy.
Carly Luke, MSc PT PhD scholar will provide an update on her prospective cohort:
Early detection of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants at high risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomesat 12 months C.A: LEAP-CP prospective cohort study
Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) including cerebral palsy (CP), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), are characterised by impaired development of the early central nervous system, impacting cognitive and/or physical function. Early detection of NDD enables infants to be fast-tracked to early intervention services, optimising outcomes. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants may experience early life factors increasing their risk of neurodevelopmental vulnerability, which persist into later childhood, further compounding the health inequities experienced by First Nations peoples in Australia. The LEAP-CP prospective cohort study is investigating the efficacy of early screening programs to earlier identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants who are ‘at risk’ of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. Diagnostic accuracy and feasibility of early detection tools for identifying infants ‘at risk’ of a later diagnosis of adverse NDO or neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) will be determined.