2024 Systematic Review and GRADE Analysis Workshop: 8-week workshop
About 2024 Systematic Review and GRADE Analysis Workshop
Learn from indusry experts to power through your systematic analysis
Join the 8-week interactive Systematic Review Workshop, led by industry experts, where you will gain comprehensive knowledge and practical experience in:
- conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis of efficacy of treatment,
- a clinimetric review of measures, and/or
- a review of diagnostic criteria for a clinical area.
Meta-analysis and GRADE methods will also be included in the training for a transparent approach to rating the certainty of evidence and developing healthcare recommendations.
The Systematic Review workshop will be held on Fridays, 8.30am - 12.30pm for 8 weeks (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Workshop dates & topics:
- Week 1: 2 February - Introduction; Framing your question; PubMed, Cochrane
- Week 2: 9 February - Confirming Review question/aims, Endnote, Web of Science, Database search (PROSPERO, PRISMA, CINAHL, EMBASE)
- Week 3: 16 February - Measuring Quality for Reporting, PEDro,
- Week 4: 23 February - Clinimetric Systematic Reviews; Biostatistics pt. 1 (measures of reproducibility), COSMIN II
- Week 5: 1 March - Biostatistics pt. 2 (RCTs, statistical inference, continuous outcomes & binary outcomes)
- Week 6: 8 March - Meta analysis including Network Met-analysis and Individual Patient Meta- analysis
- Week 7: 15 March - GRADE Analysis (one-day workshop)
- Week 8: 22 March - Clinical Practice Guidelines; Getting Published
Please note:
- The Workshop is delivered and recorded via Zoom technology - please ensure you have Zoom available.
- For workshop effectiveness, please ensure you have access to your local library for a range of literature databases for your research/review topic.
Workshop Registration
Registration for the full Systematic Review Workshop (8 weeks)
- Standard: AU$220.00 inc GST
- Students & all UQ and Queensland Health Staff; Members of AusCP-CTN: AU$192.50 inc GST
- Please submit your research topic using button below (links to payment for workshop will be available at the end of submission)
Register for the full Systematic Review Workshop
Registration for GRADE Analysis ONLY
- Standard: AU$200.00 inc GST, payment and registration below
Registration for the GRADE Analysis ONLY
For more information about the event, please go to AusCP-CTN Systematic Review 2023 website, or email auscpnetwork@uq.edu.au.
Workshop Lecturers:
- Professor Roslyn Boyd – Scientific Director of Queensland Cerebral Palsy Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland
- Doctor Sue Brennan – Cochrane Australia, Monash University
- Professor Robert Ware – Biostatistician, Clinical Epidemiologist, Griffith University
- Associate Professor Leanne Sakzewski – National Health and Medical Research Council, Queensland Cerebral Palsy Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland
- Mr David Honeyman - Librarian, University of Queensland Child Health Research Centre, Mater Research,
- Doctor Andrea Burgess – Research Fellow and Occupational Therapist, Queensland Cerebral Palsy Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland
The AusCP-CTN CRE aims to foster and develop current and future leaders in cerebral palsy research and clinical practice. Our vision for the future workforce for children with Cerebral Palsy is national capacity building comprising individuals (Medical/Allied health) with expertise in more than one key area of research and/or training (basic science/neuroscience, epidemiology, clinical/health services initiatives, and translation/implementation). The interdisciplinary nature and depth of research across broad research areas will enable clinical training across multiple disciplines including: Medical, Newborn Medicine, Paediatrics, Neurology, Neurogenetics, Orthopaedics; Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Biomechanics, Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Knowledge Translation.