About 2025 HINE Workshop

About 2025 HINE Workshop

HINE workshopThe Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) is a simple, standardised, and scoreable clinical neurological examination that can be used to assess infants from 2-24 months of age to identify infants with a high probability of cerebral palsy and other neurodevelopmental delays.

  • $360 early bird rate,
  • $400 if booked after 7, February 2024,
  • Six-hour workshop that will provide standardised training in the HINE,
  • All items in HINE will be presented with the correct approach of administration and scoring, 
  • Infants aged between 4-24 months will be used to train the participants in small groups and accurate scoring and administration of the HINE,
  • Morning tea and lunch included,
  • Updated resource booklet and key readings included.



The HINE contains 26 items across 5 domains which are combined to gain a global score. The International Clinical Practice Guideline for the Early Accurate Diagnosis of cerebral palsy recommends the use of the HINE as a key tool for the early identification of cerebral palsy, especially when results are triangulated with the general movements assessment and MRI. The HINE has strong prognostic value for predicting cerebral palsy functional severity and distribution.  Emerging evidence supports its use as a transdiagnostic tool for other, non-cerebral palsy neurodevelopmental disability, including cognitive and motor delays in babies with newborn-detectable risk factors (preterm and term).


Training objectives

  1. Outline the current evidence for use of the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (HINE) for the early detection of infants at high risk of cerebral palsy and other neurodevelopmental delays.
  2. Demonstrate the HINE with video and hands-on case examples and train clinicians and researchers how to administer the assessment in infants with neurodevelopmental risk factors.
  3. Provide an opportunity for participants to score cases of infants on the HINE to determine their risk status.
  4. Understand the role of HINE in prioritising intervention goals.


Who should attend?

Any individual interested in or currently involved in clinical practice and research for early identification and provision of early intervention for infants at high risk of cerebral palsy.  This training is suitable for any level and there are no pre-requisites.


PresenterDr Carly Luke

Dr Carly Luke is a post-doctoral research fellow and Senior Physiotherapist with the Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre and Queensland Children’s Hospital. She has over 15 years of experience working as a paediatric physiotherapist across tertiary and state-wide rehabilitation and neonatal services. Her clinical and research work focuses on the implementation of evidence-based screening tools to support the early identification of babies and children with neurodevelopmental concerns (CP, autism and FASD), aimed at improving childhood trajectories and developmental outcomes through effective, specific early intervention to optimise brain development. Dr Luke is a trainer in the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination and is an advanced certified General Movements assessor.



Register today to avoid missing out, only 40 seats available.

$360.00  if you register before 7 February for the early bird discount.

$400 after 7 February 2024.