Dr Gaela Kilgour

Researcher biography
Gaela Kilgour is a New Zealand physiotherapist who joined the QCPRRS team as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow in July 2023. Gaela has over 30 years of clinical experience across all areas of practice and lifespan for people with disabilities. Her training in physical education and physiotherapy, and practical experience in coaching and management across many sports has led to her passion of promoting physical activity participation for health and wellbeing for children and their families with disabilities. Gaela completed her PhD in 2022 from the University of Melbourne on ‘The effect of a high-level mobility skills training programme on sustained physical activity participation among ambulant children with cerebral palsy’. She was awarded “Life member of Physiotherapy New Zealand” in 2023 for her work in paediatric physiotherapy. Gaela leads the Active Start Active Future project at QCPRRS promoting participation in physical activity as an early intervention for children with cerebral palsy aged 3-7 years.