Professor Craig Munns

Researcher biography
Professor Craig Munns is the Mayne Professor of Paediatrics and Director of the Child Health Research Centre, The University of Queensland. Professor Munns is also a Senior Medical Officer in Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes at Queensland Children's Hospital. He graduated from The University of Queensland, before training in paediatrics and endocrinology at The Royal Children's Hospital, Brisbane. Professor Munns completed his PhD in paediatric growth disorders through UQ. He then undertook a post-doctoral fellowship in paediatric genetic bone disorders at The Shriners Hospital for Children, Montreal, Canada. From 2004 to 2021, Prof Munns was Senior Staff Specialist in Genetic and Metabolic Bone Disorders and Paediatric Endocrinologist at The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Sydney. He also undertook roles as Clinical Program Director, Division of Diagnostic Services and Clinical Trials Lead at Kids Research. As Clinical Trials Lead his focus was on developing a research-intensive health system and introducing advanced therapeutics.
Professor Munns is an international expert in paediatric musculoskeletal disorders. His primary clinical and research interests are in diagnosis and management of primary and secondary bone disorders, including osteogenesis imperfecta, hypophosphataemic rickets, disuse osteoporosis and nutritional rickets. He has undertaken a wide range of investigator initiated and sponsored clinical trials, authored international consensus documents and has supervised numerous PhD and Masters students. Prof Munns is actively involved in national and international scientific societies. He was treasurer of Asia Pacific Paediatric Endocrine Society, is the inaugural treasurer of the International Society of Children's Bone Health and has chaired the program organising committees Australasian Paediatric Endocrine Group, Australian and New Zealand Bone and Mineral Society and International Conference of Children's Bone Health.