Dr Syed Afroz Keramat

Researcher biography
Dr Syed Afroz Keramat is a Research Fellow (health economist) at the Centre for Health Services Research (CHSR), University of Queensland. Prior to joining CHSR, Dr Afroz held academic and research positions at Khulna University (Bangladesh) and American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB). He has completed PhD in health economics from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Dr. Afroz has earned three master's degrees (MSc) from prestigious European institutions. He attended the University of Warwick (UK) to get his MSc in economics; Lund University (Sweden) to earn his MSc in development economics; and Pavia University (Italy) to earn his MSc in risk and emergency management; all on full scholarships. Dr. Afroz's primary fields of research encompass health economics, public health, health services research, and health technology assessment. He possesses significant expertise in utilising longitudinal data to provide an evidence base for research and inform health policy. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal articles (including 17 first-authored) over the last five years. Several awards, such as the 2022 and 2021 UniSQ HDR Publication Excellence Awards, demonstrate his capacity to undertake high-quality research. His research works have received international media attention. For example, his research findings were featured in "The Chronicle" and "PharmacoEconomics & outcome news". At present, he holds the position of Associate Editor for the esteemed academic journals 'BMC Public Health' and 'PLoS ONE'. Dr Afroz is a member of several professional associations including the International Health Economics Association (iHEA), the Australian Health Economics Society (AHES), and the Health Services Research Association Australia New Zealand (HSRAANZ).