GAME: Harnessing Neuroplasticity to Improve Motor Performance in Infants with Cerebral Palsy: A Pragmatic Randomised Controlled Trial

31 Jul 2019

GAME is a multi-site (New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, and Western Australia) study which infants aged 3-6 months corrected age are enrolled and randomly assigned to either a traditional passive early intervention, or a weekly intervention involving active motor training, parent education and environmental enrichment. Infants at risk of Cerebral Palsy (as screened by the General Movements Assessment, MRI and/or Cranial Ultrasound (CUS) by 3 months and/or the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Assessment (HINE) by 6 months corrected age may be eligible for this study. There are 130 families already taking part in the study, with 25 of these from Queensland.

At the conclusion of the study when children are aged two, their gross and fine motor skills will be measured and scored to determine the most effective intervention to improve children’s motor skills. Ultimately, the study will advance the evidence for early intervention, determine critical periods for intervening, and increase knowledge of early development of infants with brain injuries.

Contact Details: Dr Tracey Evans, GAME Clinical Research Coordinator, (07) 3069 7365,

This project is funded by NHMRC Project Grant 1120031.

Chief Investigators: Prof. Iona Novak, Dr Cathy Morgan, Prof. Nadia Badawi, Prof. Roslyn Boyd, A/Prof. Alicia Spittle, Prof. R Dale, Ms A Kirby, A/Prof R Hunt, Dr K Whittingham, Dr K Pannek. A/Prof M Fahey.

Associate Investigators: A/Prof K Walker, A/Prof A Guzetta, Dr K Prelog, Prof W Tarnow-Mordi, Prof S Rose, Ms C Galea, Ms S Clough, A/Prof R Morton, Dr A Tran.
