Associate Professor Michael Fahey has been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship in 2019-2020 which will allow him to draw together two distinct research arms into genomics and brain imaging primarily located in Australia and the United States.

The research will include extending an existing Database of Clinical, and Genomic Data to include world-leading Neuroimaging data in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). Using contemporary genomic techniques, he will help to identify and characterise new genetic changes that lead to cerebral palsy.
A particular strength of the program is that it is integrated with and nested within a larger program of collaborative research into CP, and so will both be enriched by the broader program and, in turn, inform and enrich the broader aims.
Specific aims for this scholarship include:
- To strengthen collaborations on CP genomics between Australia and the United States
- To develop Neuroimaging analysis and incorporate this data within the CP Commons Database
- To incorporate new Australian Genomic Data within the Database
- To use Brian Imaging data as a new phenotypic marker to undertake trait specific analysis, and
- To increase the recognition of the Genomic contribution to CP through education.
Associate Professor Michael Fahey is a Chief Investigator on the AusCP-CTN CRE, Victoria Lead and member in two themes – Pre-clinical and Neuroprotection and the Early Detection and Neuroimaging. This work is also part of the Australian portion of the broader International Cerebral Palsy Genomics Consortium.
Contact A/Prof. Michael Fahey for more information and collaborative opportunities: