The Australasian Cerebral Palsy Clinical Trials Network (AusCP-CTN CRE) held its 3rd Annual Hot Topics in Cerebral Palsy Research Forum, 21st – 22nd October 2019, at the Monash Health Translation Precinct, Victoria.
AusCP-CTN aims to foster and develop current and future leaders in cerebral palsy research and clinical practice. Our vision for the future workforce for children with CP is to build national capacity comprising individuals with expertise in more than one key area of research and/or training (basic science/ neuroscience, epidemiology, clinical/health services initiatives, and translation/ implementation).
In collaboration with colleagues from the Monash University and Monash Children’s Hospital, the two-day research forum was a great success, attracting 180+ attendees (70% clinicians, 24% researchers, and 6% students). The forum included presentations from leading researchers and clinicians in the field of neurology and disability in children, to share the latest research outputs on neuroprotection in clinical and pre-clinical trials, harmonisation and automated analysis of neuroimaging, automated assessments of GMs, and evidence-based rehabilitation.
The following international keynote speakers were featured:
Prof. Bernard Dan (Université libtre de Bruxelles), Neuroprotection and Neuroplasticity in CP;
Prof. Alistair Jan Gunn (The University of Auckland), Progress in Neonatal Neuroprotection;
Prof. Laura Bennet (The University of Auckland), Biomarkers for fetal and neonatal brain injury; and
Prof. Yannick Bleyenheuft (Université catholique de Louvain), Intensive motor interventions for children with cerebral palsy.
For more information and program on the 2019 AusCP-CTN Hot Topics in CP Research Forum.
AusCP-CTN Education Program

In 2019, AusCP-CTN has supported and facilitated a wide range of interactive trainings across Australia and New Zealand, including 35+ Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination Courses, one Hand Assessment for Infants course, an 8-week Systematic Review workshop, GRADE Analysis training, and seven General Movements Assessment Courses. The trainings and workshops had benefited over 900+ clinicians/health professionals and researchers in developing their knowledge and skills in novel paediatric neurological interventions and diagnosis. In collaboration with mentors from Monash University (A/Prof. Suzie Miller), RMIT (Prof. David Walker and A/Prof. Mary Tolcos), Prof. Roslyn Boyd has led a 3-day intensive Grant Writing Workshop which aimed at refining grant writing skills for the next generation of scientific researchers.
Early in 2020, the AusCP-CTN will continue to partner with accredited trainers from the GMs Trust to host GM trainings in Townsville, Brisbane, and Perth. Compelling evidence is now available that qualitative assessment of General Movements (GMs) at a very early age is the best predictor for cerebral palsy. For Further information see Upcoming Events.
For more information about the AusCP-CTN Education Program.