Optimising Participation in Physically Active Leisure for Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Randomised Controlled (ParticiPAte CP)
Chief Investigators
Dr Leanne Sakzewski, Prof Catherine Elliott, Prof Roslyn Boyd, Prof Jenny Ziviani, Prof Iona Novak, Prof Stewart Trost, Prof Annette Majnemer
Associate Investigators
Dr David Rowell, Assistant Professor Keiko Shikako-Thomas, Ms Sarah Reedman, Prof Robert Ware, Ms Lynda McNamara
Chief investigators were awarded $1,014,871.60 by the NHMRC (APP1140756) over 4 years (2018-2022) to complete this study
About the study
In Australia, 35,000 people are living with cerebral palsy (CP). People with CP have poorer health outcomes, are more sedentary and have a 1.2 to 1.6 greater risk of chronic health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and stroke compared with those without a disability. We have promising data about a new intervention, called Participate-CP to improve children’s participation in physically active leisure goals. In this trial for 100 children with CP, we will compare Participate-CP to standard care to see whether or not the intervention delivers additional benefits over standard care.
The Participate-CP study will be conducted in 5 sites across Australia (Brisbane and Cairns QLD, Perth WA and Sydney and Newcastle NSW).
Please see the Study Flyer for further information.
Study methods
Randomised controlled trial will be conducted to test the effectiveness of a novel multi-faceted participation-focused intervention ‘Participate-CP’ to improve time spent in daily moderate to vigorous physical activity and performance of and satisfaction with physically active leisure participation goals in 100 children with CP.
Recruitment criteria
This study seeks children who:
- Aged 8 to 12 years
- Have confirmed diagnosis of CP from rehabilitation specialist
- Have Gross Motor Function Classification (GMFCS) Levels I-IV
- Live within 150km radius of trial sites
- Dr Leanne Sakzewski, Ph: +61 7 3069 7345 or E: l.sakzewski1@uq.edu.au (Mon-Thurs)
- Ms Mika Shimada, Ph: +61 7 3069 7356 or E: m.shimada@uq.edu.au (Mon-Fri)